Ethical and Legal Issues in the Practice of Medical Intuition
Medical intuition is the skill of using intuitive perception to assess both the physical and the subtle energy systems of the body, for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Medical Intuition is designed to assist health care providers in a cost-effective, targeted approach to a patient’s presenting concerns, and is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of illness or disease. The holistic perspective of medical intuition aligns with an integrative, Whole Health approach to healthcare. Although the skill of using intuitive perception to assess health conditions can be traced back to ancient times, medical intuition as an organized profession, is regarded as an emerging field.
In this episode of the OneMedicine Podcast, we explore the legal and ethical questions surrounding the use of medical intuition in the clinical setting. Our expert panel discusses issues concerning a clinicians use of medical intuition with their patients and clients, the benefits of working with a medical intuitive in a clinical practice, how to refer patients and clients to a qualified medical intuitive, and much more. Our three prominent experts bring their experience and perspectives to this important conversation.
Wendie Colter, CMIP, MCWC
○ Wendie is the CEO of The Practical Path®, Inc, presenting accredited certification programs in Medical Intuition for health and wellness professionals.
○ President of the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI), a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to integrating medical intuition into mainstream healthcare.
○ Author of the multiple-award winning book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness
○ Speaker and educator at premier integrative health and education centers in the US and internationally.
○ Trailblazing research on Medical Intuition has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals
○ Author and curator of the Medical Intuition Resource Center for Today’s Practitioner.
○ Her company name reflects her mission to fuse spiritual wisdom traditions with constructive, real-world results.
○ Contact:
Midge Murphy, JD, PhD
○ Midge is the first attorney to receive a PhD in energy medicine from Holos University and is also an energy healing practitioner.
○ For over 15 years she has provided consulting services to licensed and unlicensed practitioners and training organizations in ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies in the practice of and training in energy healing and biofield practices.
○ Her groundbreaking book, Practice Energy Healing in Integrity; the Joy of Offering Your Gifts Legally & Ethically and the exam based on the book are considered the gold standard in the field.
○ Midge is recognized as a dynamic presenter, teacher, and a leading expert in the field
○ Advisory Board Member for National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI)
○ President, National Association for Biofeld Practices (NABP)
○ Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Association for Nature and Forest Therapy Guides & Programs (ANFT)
Mary Louder, DO
○ Double boarded physician in Family Medicine and Integrative, Holistic Medicine, having practiced 30+ years.
○ CEO Medical Director of CAIRN MEDICAL in Holland, MI
○ Speaker and author of education in Holistic, functional medicine and Energetic Psychology.
○ Developer of My Anxiety Code and using a tool to support patients called Self Compassion and Connection.
○ A medical intuitive – She uses this in visits with patients by deep listening and holding space for deeper reasons, truth and guidance to come through with and for the patient. This brings clarity of diagnosis, treatment options and disposition choices.
○ She is keen to have the highest ethical standards possible, patient autonomy, informed consent, informed refusal and full realization of a person's sovereignty as an individual. Not just blindly following along.
Related Content:
OneMedicine Podcast: What is Medical Intuition: The Research and Reasons to Include it in Your Practice Tool Kit